With so many different, moving parts in the business world, it does not help to stay still. Whether you have just started a job and do not feel happy, or you have been working with the same company for several years, it is always a good time to take stock every now and then to actually evaluate whether or not you enjoy being where you are. Thankfully for you, there are a whole host of signs that you can look out for that should signal to you that you will be better off either re-skilling, re-thinking, and relocating to a new and better role. To help you achieve this aim, this guide will outline the key signs to look out for if you need a career change and pivot in the second half to explain how you can make that career change a reality.
You Don’t Enjoy Your Fellow Employee’s Company
When you walk into the office at the beginning of the day, what do you feel? If you feel dread or anxiety at interacting with your fellow employees, or you feel that they bore or annoy you, then it can be very bad for your mental and physical health to be in that space. The danger of staying in a job like that even if you do not get on with your employees is that if something goes wrong and you end up having an unpleasant interaction, this could affect your ability to get a solid reference later on. So, at this point, it is important to keep your head down and say as little as possible before you finally leave the role.
You are Not Performing at Your Best
In life, one of the most important ways to feel happy and satisfied is to feel like you are performing at peak capability. Therefore, it is worth trying to be aware of how you are currently performing at work and monitor your performance. Try and remember a time when you felt like you were at the top of your game and figure out the reasons why you felt so motivated. If your current role is not motivating you to a proper extent, it is definitely worth considering a career change.
You Don’t Find the Work Interesting
When it comes to working in your career, it is essential for your mental health to actually enjoy what you are doing. If you feel like there is no real interaction or challenges and are basically staring at spreadsheets all day, it is very important to consider a career change. If you stay in a role like that for too long, you might risk the very real possibility of developing mental health issues such as depression.
No Prospect of a Raise
The main reason people work is money. Unfortunately, many people work jobs that they do not like because they believe the economic benefits of being paid regularly each month outweigh the negatives of actually having to do the job. Nonetheless, if a job is both boring, un-stimulating, and underpaid, it is incumbent upon you to find a better-paid role. After all, if you feel like you cannot make enough money each month to pay for food, rent, and bills, then you could find yourself sliding into debt.
You Don’t Feel Challenged
Although they may seem stressful in the moment, people thrive and find great satisfaction from tackling different challenges each day. Therefore, if you are working in a job where everything seems rather easy, and there is nothing there to jolt you out of the monotonous rhythm of daily life, it might be worth considering a new challenge. Without challenges, you may easily get depressed and find no meaning in what you do.
You Feel Overqualified
There may come a time when you are working a job and wondering why you went to university or gained so much work experience in the first place, especially if you feel like the work that you do can be done with someone with very little education at all. Feeling over-qualified can be a terrible emotion to feel, especially if this is combined with an unnecessarily high-pressure environment and meetings where you have to over-explain what a very simple job is actually. So instead, it is worth looking for a job that will meet you at your experience and intellect level.
You Don’t Feel Like You Are Contributing to Society
Some people are happy in whatever job they can get as long as it pays the bills, but others need to feel like their careers have meaning and can help their communities, or the wider world. If you have realized that what your job does is merely a means to make money for your CEO and not actually helping people across the world, then it can be very hard to get out of bed in the morning. This realization is not necessarily a negative emotion either, but it can help you to identify what you truly want to do and how you can contribute to the wider society around you.
How to Make That Career Change a Reality
The last part of this guide was created to explain why you might not be happy working in a certain career. If you have identified with some of these emotions and would like to change your career, then you are in the right place. Read on now to learn about all of the different ways to make your career change a reality.
Identify What You Truly Want to Do
You cannot move to another job unless you have a clear idea of what you want to do. That is why, before handing in your notice or applying for other work, you should take some holiday time off and have a clear reflection about what brings you joy in life. Once you know what you would like to do, you can start to take some actionable steps to make your career change work. Ensure to also talk to family and friends to have some serious discussions about what you would like to do.
Go Back to Higher Education
One of the best ways around to raise your career prospects is to move back to higher education. After all, there are a whole host of jobs out there that can only be achieved by having the necessary qualifications. One of the most lucrative degrees in terms of the average salary expectations for the people who complete them is a Master of Business Administration.
Not only are you given the tools to land a better job, but you can also learn ways to start your own company doing what you truly enjoy. In addition, while in the past one would be expected to take part in an MBA in-person, you can now study for one online. For a great online degree option, Suffolk University offers one of the best online MBA degree programs in Boston that can be accessed anywhere in the world.
Rewrite Your Resume
Before you start applying for new jobs, it is worth taking a look at your existing resume and seeing whether or not it actually reflects the current stage of your career. Then, make sure to take a proper look and rewrite your experiences, putting yourself in the best light as to how you can use what you have learned to help the next company succeed. If you are not sure how to write your resume properly, there is no shame in asking some friends and family to take a look. You can also hire the services of a professional resume consultant, who will give you those top tips to get past job algorithms and HR managers and land you that all-important interview.
Network at Company Events
While many solid jobs can be found through job application platforms, one of the more successful ways to land a new role is to build up those personal connections. This means that while you are in your current role, it is worth going to conferences and other events to make sure that you meet people from other companies who might be wanting to hire you properly. As well as networking in person, make sure that you make more connections on LinkedIn. Just be careful not to telegraph to your current job that you are looking for another role, as they might get annoyed and let you go early, meaning that there could be a time when you are not working at all, something which could significantly affect your bottom line.
In conclusion, there is no time like the present to decide to do something different with your life. Staying a role that you simply do not enjoy is likely to be terrible for your mental health while doing that which you truly enjoy will lead to a happy and satisfying life. So, take stock of your current career and figure out a way to move into your dream role.